Adventures of the Boomer ‘Shroomers (Vuggie ‘n’ Hummers)

Fun times Colorado ‘shrooming, and with all the Hummingbirds in the mountains we thought we would add a feeder to Vuggie:


A Droll Yankees ($15 window-feeder) was on sale at True Value and it has large suction cups, insect/bee guards, and a cleaning brush.

A few minutes later:


Pretty fun in the Hall Valley Campground, as our feeder was attracting Broadtail Hummers (Selasphorus platycercus) all day. Fellow campers came over and enjoyed with us the Hummer acrobatics and territorial behavior.

Will try to post some more shroom pictures maybe tomorrow.

Nighty-night, T & Joy

Adventures of the Boomer ‘Shroomers (Pawnee ‘n’ the Vuggie)

Pawnee Site 33

Pawnee Campground just west of Ward, Colorado is one of our favorites with Vuggie for the following reasons:

  1. Paved asphalt off Highway 92 all the way (+10,500-feet above sea-level)
  2. BEAR BOXES (note the brown one left of Vuggie above)
  3. Nearby lakes (Brainard, Blue, Mitchell) with nice level hikes <3 miles
  4. and, the local flora and fauna!

Brainard Local1
Brainard Local2

Thanx to Sue and Michael Ryan of Boulder, fellow Pawnee campers who took the pictures of the MOOSE BULLS* grazing near Brainard Lake, and graciously let us post here.

Happy Camping, T & Joy

* Like FISH the plural of MOOSE is MOOSE (NOT MEESE). But our favorite “Moose” plural was what our Labrador/Canadian clients call them: “Newfie Speed-bumps”