Adventures of the Boomer ‘Shroomers (Vuggie ‘n’ Hummers)

Fun times Colorado ‘shrooming, and with all the Hummingbirds in the mountains we thought we would add a feeder to Vuggie:


A Droll Yankees ($15 window-feeder) was on sale at True Value and it has large suction cups, insect/bee guards, and a cleaning brush.

A few minutes later:


Pretty fun in the Hall Valley Campground, as our feeder was attracting Broadtail Hummers (Selasphorus platycercus) all day. Fellow campers came over and enjoyed with us the Hummer acrobatics and territorial behavior.

Will try to post some more shroom pictures maybe tomorrow.

Nighty-night, T & Joy

Adventures of the Boomer ‘Shroomers! (The King Bolete)

Rocky Mountain King Bolete Pictures

Joy found this big “King” (aka Boletus edulis or Porcini) last August near Nederland. Note: Kings have light tan-to-yellowish pores on the underside of the cap, as boletes have pores instead of gills under the cap. DO NOT EAT any bolete with RED pores!!


Found about 100' from Tent
Found about 100′ from Tent

King & Aspen Boletes

That day in August 2013 we found a few and left even more.

Regards, T & Joy