While searching for Black Morels (Morchella elata) along the South Platte, Joy instead finds a very nice Golden (Morchella esculenta). Her big smile may indicate she was kinda excited by her find! She found this beauty on May 24, 2017, which we thought was kinda late sprouting–we usually find Golden in late April or early May.
Joy cooked her find of the day in a little butter, and she shared some of it with Crebs. Yes, very delicious t’was!
The PRINCES (Agaricus augustus) are out!! This week while at Hall Valley we found a few, but never enough:
Campbell (our Westie) and T pose with three Princes on a slope at about 8100′ elevation. It’s our favorite Agaricus.
Here’s the best one, note the large cap with brown freckles on top, when young it’s cap is marshmallow shaped.
Like all Agaricus the gills are pink when young and turn brown with age; yup Agaricus species are also the button shrooms we buy in the stores. Note the shaggy stem and the ring around the stem, all Agaricus have them. Princes smell like almonds, that’s how T recognizes them.
Joy had never seen one before, so had to study the books to get acquainted.
Cooked up in olive oil and butter with lots of garlic. We think they are the best tasting of all the Agaricus, including all those store-bought Agaricus (aka portabellos, crimini’s, buttons etc.) Note also the 5-inch DO’s, great for cooking side veggies.
Pawnee Campground just west of Ward, Colorado is one of our favorites with Vuggie for the following reasons:
Paved asphalt off Highway 92 all the way (+10,500-feet above sea-level)
BEAR BOXES (note the brown one left of Vuggie above)
Nearby lakes (Brainard, Blue, Mitchell) with nice level hikes <3 miles
and, the local flora and fauna!
Thanx to Sue and Michael Ryan of Boulder, fellow Pawnee campers who took the pictures of the MOOSE BULLS* grazing near Brainard Lake, and graciously let us post here.
Happy Camping, T & Joy
* Like FISH the plural of MOOSE is MOOSE (NOT MEESE). But our favorite “Moose” plural was what our Labrador/Canadian clients call them: “Newfie Speed-bumps”
Ah, it’s apparently Colorado Monsoon season up here. This morning, towns along the Front Range are flooding, and Interstate 70 got partially blocked by a mudslide near Wolcott Junction.
It’s been raining all last night and all morning here in Lakewood, and Joy just spotted another leak in my gutters–oh, Joy! Rain gauge in the backyard says 2.7-inches since yesterday. The veggie gardens, trees, and grasses are loving it after all the +90°F temperatures. High today forecast in the mid-60’s–yeah, as old Colorado Boomers like us tend to wilt when temps hit 85°.
Us ‘shroomers love it too, ’cause it means in about 5 to 10 days T’s favorite big Rocky Mountain King Bolete mushrooms (aka porcini, penny bun, & Boletus edulis) will be sprouting under the pines at elevations above 7500 feet. By mid-August, Joy’s favorite the White Matsutake (Tricholoma magnivelare) will be hiding beneath the duff at the base of Ponderosa pines at elevations above 8000 feet.
We’re all hoping that August-2014 will be comparable to 2013 when shrooming up here was simply fabulous.
Best Regards, T and Joy
PS. So what do old Greek Boomers do while waiting for the rain to stop and shrooms to sprout? T’s making feta cheese today. One and a half gallons of fresh un-Pasteurized milk from our Cow-Share makes about 3 pounds of Feta — Kali Oreksi !
Joy found this big “King” (aka Boletus edulis or Porcini) last August near Nederland. Note: Kings have light tan-to-yellowish pores on the underside of the cap, as boletes have pores instead of gills under the cap. DO NOT EAT any bolete with RED pores!!
That day in August 2013 we found a few and left even more.